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Center for Employment Training (CET)

An Effective Practice


The Center for Employment Training (CET), a non-profit educational and employment training program based in San Jose, California, provides short-term job training and placement services for disadvantaged populations. Instructors with experience in the private sector train students 5 days a week, 7 hours a day. Students attend skills and job training until they pass competency levels of a minimum 70% in a given skill. Some of CET's distinctive aspects are self-paced learning, entry and exit at any time, and the integration of basic education with skills training.

Goal / Mission

The mission of CET, an economic and community development corporation, is to promote human development and education by providing people with marketable skills, training and supportive services that contribute to self sufficiency.

Results / Accomplishments

CET was established in San Jose, California, and now has expanded to 33 education centers in 12 states. The program receives over half of its funding from state and federal government and the remainder from the private sector. Evaluations have shown that CET has consistently produced statistically significant long-term impacts on participants' earnings and employability. CET has successfully trained and placed more than 100,000 people since its inception.

About this Promising Practice

Center for Employment Training (CET)
Primary Contact
Sobrato CET Center
701 Vine Street
San Jose, CA 95110
(408) 287-7924
Economy / Employment
Education / Educational Attainment
Center for Employment Training (CET)
Finance Project
Date of publication
Feb 2004
San Jose, CA