Nurse-Family Partnership® (NFP)
Nurse-Family Partnership® (NFP) is a free program that partners first-time moms with nurses. NFP® nurses regularly visit you at home from pregnancy through your child's second birthday. Your nurse will help you to have a healthy pregnancy, give you coaching on child development, and empower you to pursue your own path to a successful, happy life for you and your family. Your NFP® nurse is there for you so you can be there for your baby!
Number of NFP Client Visits
NFP Client Visits
The figure above shows the number of client visits by quarter. The number of visits saw a dip in 2023 due to the nurse staffing shortage, however the number of visits has since increased back to the usual levels.
Breastfeeding Initiation of NFP Clients
Breastfeeding Initiation of NFP Clients
In Calhoun County, families that participate in NFP have a higher rate of breastfeeding initiation than families that do not participate in NFP. In 2021, 96.3% of NFP families initiated breastfeeding, compared to the overall breastfeeding initiation rate of 45.2% in Calhoun County. Studies show that families that participate in NFP are significantly more likely to have ever breastfed and maintain breastfeeding at 6 months (source).
Preterm Birth of NFP Clients
Preterm Births of NFP Clients
In this figure, preterm births are defined as those born at less than 37 weeks gestation. The rate of preterm births in NFP participants remained steady from 2021 to 2022 and increased from 7.7% in 2022 to 12.5% in 2023. The study, "Status of Birth Outcomes in Clients of the Nurse-Family Partnership," found that NFP had a significant reduction in preterm births (source).
Well-Child Visits of NFP Clients
Well-Child Visits of NFP Clients
Well-child visits are important in promoting the physical, mental, and social health of infants and children. Throughout 2021-2023 around 80% of NFP clients attended their recommended well-child visits.
Prenatal or Postpartum Visits of NFP Clients
Prenatal or Postpartum Visits for NFP Clients