Lead Testing
The lead testing program at CCPHD consists of both in house testing and a home visiting program. CCPHD is committed to following up on all confirmed elevated blood lead levels (EBLL) ≥ 3.5 ug/dL. A home visit is offered to the family by a CCPHD nurse and community health worker, who help identify potential lead hazard areas and assist with referrals to programs to help with remediation. Education is given on how to reduce exposure to the lead areas, how to clean if lead dust is present, and to explain healthy eating which helps to reduce lead levels in the bloodstream. CCPHD’s WIC program offers screening tests for lead during appointments.
Children <6 Tested for Lead in Calhoun County
Children <6 Tested for Lead
This graph shows the number of children that received either a capillary or venous lead test during the year. The large drop seen between 2019 and 2020 is accounted for by equipment recalls at the end of 2019 and COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns in 2020. The county is starting to see a rise towards pre-pandemic testing levels in 2023.
Children <6 Lost to Follow Up
Children <6 Lost to Follow Up
Children lost to follow up are defined as children who had an elevated capillary test, which is a screening test, but never came back to get their venous test, which is a confirmatory test. The goal is to have all children with an elevated capillary test get a follow up venous test so they can be referred to the Lead Case Management program, if applicable. As CCPHD’s Case Management program has become more established, the percentage of children lost to follow is dropping, as seen in the difference from 2021 to 2023.
New Children <6 in Case Management
New Children <6 in Case Management
This shows the number of new children who were entered into CCPHD’s Lead Case Management during each quarter of the year. Children enter case management if they have an elevated blood lead level (≥3.5 ug/dL). The Case Management team usually has around 50 active cases, as some children complete case management as others are added.
In House Lead Tests
In House Lead Tests