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Focus on Kids

An Effective Practice

This practice has been Archived and is no longer maintained.


Focus on Kids was a culturally based HIV/AIDS intervention for high-risk African American kids aged 9–15 that was implemented in Baltimore, Maryland. High rates of sexual intercourse in this population underscore the need for effective AIDS-risk reduction interventions. The specific objective of the intervention was to improve condom use over the long term. The intervention was delivered to naturally formed peer groups at neighborhood recreation centers. A total of eight sessions reviewed concepts including facts about AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, contraception, and human development. The format was based in motivation and social-cognitive theory.

Goal / Mission

To improve condom use by African Americans over their life course by focusing on high-risk youth.

Results / Accomplishments

Questionnaires were administered to intervention participants and a control group of peers who did not participate. The intervention group was significantly more likely to use effective forms of birth control six months after participation in the intervention. The differences in safer sex behavior between the intervention and the control group declined at follow up periods more than six months after participation in the intervention.

About this Promising Practice

Education Training Research Associates
Primary Contact
ETR Associates
P.O. Box 1830
Santa Cruz, CA 95061-1830
(831) 438-4060
Health / Adolescent Health
Health / Immunizations & Infectious Diseases
Education Training Research Associates
Urban Institute
Date of publication
Geographic Type
Baltimore, MD
For more details
Target Audience
Teens, Racial/Ethnic Minorities
Additional Audience
African American youth