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A Good Idea


TransForm is an advocacy group that works to develop alternative transportations to driving, such as public transportation, walking, and biking, in the greater Bay Area. It supports public transportation, smart growth, affordable housing, and bicycle/pedestrian safety through its coalitions and its advocacy work. In addition, TransForm collaborates on initiatives, such as Safe Routes to Schools and GreenTRIP. Safe Routes to Schools in Alameda County, an iteration of the national initiative, promotes kids walking and biking safely to school. GreenTRIP is a new certification program for transit-oriented developments that aims to reduce traffic and greenhouse gas emissions associated with new residence units by providing alternative forms of transportation.

Goal / Mission

TransForm aims to create world-class public transportation and walkable communities in the Bay Area and beyond.

Results / Accomplishments

Safe Routes to Schools reaches over 100 Alameda County schools, with Walking School Buses, Bike Rodeos and Clinics, and Walk/Bike to School Days. GreenTRIP's first pilot project certified five proposals, facilitating community approval of developments by credibly explaining how the proposals would be low-traffic. In one development, GreenTRIP supported the reduction of parking requirements in favor of the creation of more affordable units and a pedestrian-friendly ground floor. In addition, developers distribute transit passes for their residents, with some providing car share memberships. GreenTRIP commits these residents to lower car ownership, less driving and CO2 emissions, and increased affordability by lowered housing and transportation costs. GreenTRIP's five pilots include nearly 2,000 units total.

About this Promising Practice

Primary Contact
436 14th St., Suite 600
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 740-3150
Community / Transportation
Community / Public Safety
For more details
Target Audience
Adults, Families