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Behavioral Intervention Program to Increase Condom Use

An Effective Practice


The Behavioral Intervention Program is implemented in family planning clinics located in urban cities and targets adolescent females, aged 15-19 years old. The program is designed to increase condom use among females at risk of pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections.

The intervention consists of a 20-minute session which provides information and role-playing scenarios for proper condom use, and free chlamydia treatment.

Goal / Mission

The Behavioral Intervention Program seeks to increase condom use by females who are at high risk of pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, or reinfection.

Results / Accomplishments

The intervention was evaluated based on six-month follow-up assessments using interviews and sexually transmitted infection tests.

Women who had participated in the program reported increased condom use by their sexual partners, compared to the control group that had not received the intervention (p=0.02).

However, there was no significant difference between the chlamydia reinfection rates of the group that participated in the program when compared to the control group.

About this Promising Practice

Behavioral Intervention Program
Primary Contact
Donald Orr, M.D.
Adolescent Sexually Transmitted Diseases Center
Room 1740 N
Section of Adolescent Medicine
Indiana University Medical Center
702 Barnhill Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 274-8812
Health / Adolescent Health
Health / Immunizations & Infectious Diseases
Health / Women's Health
Behavioral Intervention Program
The Journal of Pediatrics
Date of publication
Geographic Type
For more details
Target Audience
Teens, Women