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Think...Think Again Child Passenger Restraint Program

A Good Idea


In Canada, a pilot project to increase use of child passenger restraints allowed officers to check child passengers during routine patrols. If child passenger restraints were not in use or were used improperly, the officers would observe zero tolerance and issue a violation ticket. When presented with the ticket, violators were offered a choice - they could pay the ticket or they could attend a child restraint educational session led by RCMP and regional health representatives.

Goal / Mission

The goal of the program was to improve child passenger safety.

Results / Accomplishments

After a four month pilot, feedback from all involved parties, including violators who participated in the program, was very positive. Many had a better understanding of the risks of improperly restraining a child and agreed that proper compliance would reduce the likelihood of death and injury among young motor vehicle passengers.

About this Promising Practice

Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Primary Contact
Lake Community Health Services
4720 55 Street,
Cold Lake, Alberta
T9M 1V8
(780) 594-4404
Community / Public Safety
Community / Transportation
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Transport Canada
Date of implementation
For more details