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Housing Data for Service Area: Greater Battle Creek

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Housing Units

Service Area: Greater Battle Creek

Housing units

County: Calhoun
59,473 Housing units

State: Michigan
4,613,840 Housing units

Percent Housing Unit Change: 2020 to 2024

Service Area: Greater Battle Creek


County: Calhoun

State: Michigan

Owner-Occupied Housing Units Median Value

Service Area: Greater Battle Creek


County: Calhoun

State: Michigan

Owner-Occupied Housing Units Average Value

Service Area: Greater Battle Creek


County: Calhoun

State: Michigan

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Median Length of Residence Service Area: Greater Battle Creek County: Calhoun State: Michigan
Years Years Years
All 9.16 9.5 9.6
Renter Occupied 5.75 5.8 5.8
Owner Occupied 13.98 14.1 13.8
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Occupied Housing Units by Vehicles Available Service Area: Greater Battle Creek County: Calhoun State: Michigan
Housing units % of Occupied Housing Units Housing units % of Occupied Housing Units Housing units % of Occupied Housing Units
No Vehicle 3,277 8.74% 4,225 7.83% 294,282 7.25%
1 Vehicle 14,687 39.18% 19,761 36.63% 1,413,558 34.83%
2 Vehicles 12,734 33.97% 19,163 35.52% 1,557,692 38.38%
3 Vehicles 4,641 12.38% 7,297 13.52% 544,752 13.42%
4 Vehicles 1,452 3.87% 2,312 4.29% 175,260 4.32%
5+ Vehicles 699 1.86% 1,196 2.22% 73,456 1.81%

Average Number Vehicles Available

Service Area: Greater Battle Creek


County: Calhoun
1.8 Vehicles

State: Michigan
1.8 Vehicles

Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.