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Households/Income Data for Service Area: Greater Battle Creek

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Service Area: Greater Battle Creek


County: Calhoun
53,954 Households

State: Michigan
4,059,000 Households

Percent Household Change: 2020 to 2024

Service Area: Greater Battle Creek


County: Calhoun

State: Michigan


Service Area: Greater Battle Creek


County: Calhoun
35,194 Families

State: Michigan
2,676,337 Families

Percent Family Change: 2020 to 2024

Service Area: Greater Battle Creek


County: Calhoun

State: Michigan

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Households by Number of People in Household Service Area: Greater Battle Creek County: Calhoun State: Michigan
Households % of Households Households % of Households Households % of Households
1-Person 11,451 30.54% 16,415 30.42% 1,216,609 29.97%
2-Person 12,736 33.97% 18,415 34.13% 1,373,381 33.84%
3-Person 5,645 15.06% 7,950 14.73% 595,821 14.68%
4-Person 4,238 11.30% 6,099 11.30% 491,230 12.10%
5-Person 2,034 5.43% 3,034 5.62% 230,422 5.68%
6-Person 848 2.26% 1,234 2.29% 93,702 2.31%
7+ Person 538 1.44% 807 1.50% 57,835 1.42%

Average Household Size

Service Area: Greater Battle Creek


County: Calhoun
2.41 Persons

State: Michigan
2.42 Persons

Households With Own Children

Service Area: Greater Battle Creek

(24.39% of Households)

County: Calhoun
13,272 Households (24.60% of Households)

State: Michigan
1,016,475 Households (25.04% of Households)

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Households by Income Service Area: Greater Battle Creek County: Calhoun State: Michigan
Households % of Households Households % of Households Households % of Households
Under $15,000 3,712 9.90% 4,859 9.01% 372,046 9.17%
$15,000 - $24,999 3,443 9.18% 4,728 8.76% 302,606 7.46%
$25,000 - $34,999 4,077 10.87% 5,583 10.35% 328,632 8.10%
$35,000 - $49,999 5,904 15.75% 8,140 15.09% 496,921 12.24%
$50,000 - $74,999 6,075 16.20% 9,114 16.89% 694,897 17.12%
$75,000 - $99,999 4,343 11.58% 6,409 11.88% 531,880 13.10%
$100,000 - $124,999 3,058 8.16% 4,508 8.36% 399,737 9.85%
$125,000 - $149,999 2,296 6.12% 3,492 6.47% 282,569 6.96%
$150,000 - $199,999 2,335 6.23% 3,697 6.85% 300,869 7.41%
$200,000 - $249,999 1,088 2.90% 1,691 3.13% 142,687 3.52%
$250,000 - $499,999 837 2.23% 1,290 2.39% 140,826 3.47%
$500,000+ 322 0.86% 443 0.82% 65,330 1.61%

Average Household Income

Service Area: Greater Battle Creek


County: Calhoun

State: Michigan

Median Household Income

Service Area: Greater Battle Creek


County: Calhoun

State: Michigan

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Average Household Income by Race/Ethnicity Service Area: Greater Battle Creek County: Calhoun State: Michigan
Value Value Value
All $80,347 $83,103 $94,476
White $80,229 $83,331 $91,716
Black/African American $48,528 $47,985 $58,382
American Indian/Alaskan Native $56,500 $54,769 $69,640
Asian $109,823 $108,509 $117,676
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander $100,556 $68,846 $79,202
Some Other Race $65,019 $65,284 $72,028
2+ Races $79,512 $77,401 $82,001
Hispanic/Latino $82,312 $70,067 $70,763
Non-Hispanic/Latino $80,259 $83,624 $95,562
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Median Household Income by Race/Ethnicity Service Area: Greater Battle Creek County: Calhoun State: Michigan
Value Value Value
All $58,346 $60,059 $69,042
White $62,893 $65,208 $73,721
Black/African American $36,471 $35,305 $43,204
American Indian/Alaskan Native $39,272 $36,721 $54,316
Asian $97,816 $94,238 $102,130
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander $50,417 $40,625 $58,565
Some Other Race $55,735 $54,741 $56,851
2+ Races $57,197 $49,360 $64,331
Hispanic/Latino $55,037 $50,037 $62,135
Non-Hispanic/Latino $58,549 $60,440 $69,387

Families Below Poverty

Service Area: Greater Battle Creek

(10.27% of Families)

County: Calhoun
3,399 Families (9.66% of Families)

State: Michigan
241,702 Families (9.03% of Families)

Families Below Poverty with Children

Service Area: Greater Battle Creek

(7.81% of Families)

County: Calhoun
2,556 Families (7.26% of Families)

State: Michigan
172,715 Families (6.45% of Families)

Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.